field trips
Dunaújváros - guided tour by Tamás Kaszás
Kossuth Lajos square - guided tour by Zeidler Miklós
Liberty square
field trip to Auróra // Auróra is a social enterprise which was created to connect cultural programs, civil and activist organizations work, community building and fun in an open communiy. We are committed to forming a stable base, where individuals, groups, non-profit organizations could meet, share their ideas and collaborate with each other on new initiatives.
guided tour at Müszi
Street Marking Tours - guided tour by Viktor Kotún and László Ruszty // Editors of Street Marking in Hungary will present you a virtual guided walk in a diachronic Budapest showing various aspects and layers of the city. Please, bring 1-3 pictures you took in the streets of Budapest! We are going to discuss them together and give you some hints for a better understanding.
Liberty square - guided tour by József Mélyi
The history of the Liberty Square (Szabadság tér) in the light of the past, recent and future public sculptures.The programmes of the square from the irredentism to the glorification of Red Army and to its recent political controversies. The history of the most beautiful square in Budapest.
8th district tour by Attila Varga / Menhely Alapítvány
The Jewish district - BUPAP tour by Anna Lénárd
field trips to Jurányi Produkciós Ház
field trip to Dunaújváros - guided by Tamás Kaszás
Street Mark Scroll - Street art tour at Budapest (based on a long-term research project made by László Ruszty and Viktor Kótun), guide: László Ruszty
After doing a long-term research project, Viktor Kotun and I have compiled a visual collection of the presence of all kinds of local street art. We wanted to go beyond the categories of today’s popular street art books and create a new structure more suitable to the categories which define Hungarian street art. - László Ruszty,
field trip to Dunaújváros – guided tour by Tamás Kaszás, followed by the opening of the show ‘Heavy Industry’ at ICA-D (Institute for Contemporary Art Dunaújváros); to FKSE Studio of Young Hungarian Artists