guest lectures
2017/18 spring
prof Srdja Hrisafovic and Dr. Andreas Broeckman
prof Srdja Hrisafovic: Design with Light and Design with the Sun, Academy of Fine Arts, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
prof Peter Purg: TeleStoryTelling, University of Nova Gorica, School of Arts, Slovenia,
guest lectures and workshops - in the framework of CEEPUS cooperation
Dr. Andreas Broeckman: Machine Art - Encounters with Technology in 20th Century Art and Notions of Post-Media/Post-Medium in Contemporary Art, Leuphana Universität, Lüneburg, Germany,
guest of Doctoral School of HUFA
suggested reading for the seminar: Rosalind Krauss: Under Blue Cup. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2011 or on the internet
2017/18 fall _ drifting through cityscapes
This fall semester Mapping the Local course was presented with a unique opportunity as it included teachers and students from the University of Nova Gorica School of Arts (Slovenia) and University of Arts Belgrade, Faculty of Applied Arts (Serbia); these schools, along with MKE, are all part of CEEPUS and members of the ADRIART.CE network that includes eight schools from throughout Central Europe.
The semester was held as Block seminar – five days intensive programme with various activities: lectures by teachers introducing the topics and problems related to urban space; field work and research exploring cultural content and urban phenomena relevant to the topic; representation and discussion of field work, tutorials and final presentation
lectures by Judit Bodnár, Samu Szemerey
Tímea Junghaus, Gallery8: How an institution maps its surroundings and turns this into the profile of a gallery and cultural space
Gallery8, photos: the Gallery's fb page
lectures by Judit Szalipszki and Emese Mucsi - curators, former students of KET (MKE Theoretical Studies Dpt)
Levente Polyák (KÉK/Lakatlan) - Recycling Budapest
Recycling Budapest: Abandoned spaces and unused resources in the Post-Socialist City. The lecture will address the characteristics of the post-socialist urban transition and in particular, the problem of abandoned spaces. In order to contextualize the current preoccupations of the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre's Vacant Budapest project, contemporary concepts of urban regeneration, bottom-up initiatives and artistic interventions will also be presented. - Levente Polyák
2012/13 spring _ art and activsim
Gwen Jones - Anti-Semitism in Hungary
Dániel Vékony - Muslim migration
2012/13 fall _ east european region
lectures by Emese Kürti, Lilla Khoór, Miklós Erhardt
Eszter Lázár - A subjective guide to Hungarian art scene
János Szoboszlai - Cultural Politics in Eastern Europe in Comparison
Tibor Szemző; Andreas Fogarasi's lecture at Doctoral School of HUFA
Tibor Szemző: Music based moving images
The composer, musician and filmmaker Tibor Szemző will presentexcerpts from his film projects including the work-in-progress "K.en-gravings" and will discuss the inter-relationship and processes involved in working with image, sound and music.
Andreas Fogarasi: Vasarely go home
'Vasarely go home', the title of Fogarasi's latest project, refers to an early example of Institutional Critique in Hungary, János Major's action during the opening of Victor Vasarely's retrospective in 1969 in Budapest. In his works Fogarasi critically analyses the aestheticisation and economization of urban space and the role of architecture and the cultural field in contemporary society. Incorporating video, sculpture and installation in wide-sweeping discursive webs he is investigating fault lines in historiography, Imagineering, and the creation of cultural identities.
Ilona Németh: Footnote/ Dialogue about a (cancelled) exhibition
The lecture presents the artist’s recent exhibition in Budapest which left the space of the Ernst Museum completely empty as a critical reflection on recent Hungarian cultural policy.Dilemma - a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones: a difficult situation or problem Logic an argument forcing an opponent to choose either of two unfavorable alternatives.
Hajnal Németh: Crash, Contrawork and False Confession
The lecture presents three recent works of the artist by focusing on the stages of production, the potentials of collaboration between artists and musicians, as well as the coupling of genres and on the genre of experimentation.
János Sugár: Elnézést / Excuse me
János Sugár: The tradition of censorship - success/unsuccess in public art
During the Cold War the main message of the culture was demonstrating freedom, and art has takenthis freedom, of course, in new directions, like media/social/political/global awareness. The Cold War is over, the system-crisis is here, and the ideology of openness is getting replaced by control. In politics there is a change in general attitude toward art/culture: The critical competence of art is questioned now by populists everywhere, in many local dialects.
Walter Bolangier: Life and transcience in glass
"Through my work, I endeavour to express the origin of life, the path that is covered, in the labyrinth of day-to-day existence and demise." Walter will discuss his work and 10 years of the INSITU department at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp.
Peter De Hertog: Respect tradition but translate into a contemporary language
Don't concentrate on the proportions, take care about the many other aspects of drawing. Everyone can draw, like everybody can learn how to cook (as long as you respect the recipe)." Peter will present two practical sessions with a model: for first year students the theme is method and tools to construct a figure; for advanced students.