
Stephen Scrivener

A MKE Doktori Iskola DLA elméleti előadásai keretében
2009. március 31-én kedden 10.00 órától

Stephen Scrivenerprofesszor, teoretikus, doktori iskola- és témavezető (Chelsea School ofArt and Design, London, UK) tart előadást angolnyelven: Artistic research: justified transformational practice címmel.

Az előadás nyilvános.


Starting from a discussion of the conditions of research, as suggested by dictionary and institutional definitions, this paper identifies and elucidates the symptoms indicative of research that provide the grounds for criteria that function as rules or tests for judging something as research, and on that basis approving or disapproving of it as such. These conditions and criteria provide an inclusive framework that accommodates differences between interpretative frameworks and between the research method demanded by a particular research project and the given interpretative framework in which it operates. Artistic research, it is argued, should also exhibit these symptoms and hence be subject to the same rules and tests. This being the case, why qualify research by the term artistic? What might be the additional or special symptoms and associated evaluative criteria of such research? To explore this question three ways of thinking about the relationship between the work of art and works of art, as described by Frayling (1993), i.e., research into, through and for art, are explored.

It is concluded that neither research into art or through art and design merit the qualification artistic research. However, it is argued that research for art, i.e., cognitively surprising artistic interventions that expand knowledge and understanding of the nature and scope of art, does merit this distinction because it implies additional subject specific symptoms and criteria. Research for art, it is proposed, claims material interventions that transform what is apprehended as art, concurrent with claims to knowledge of the manner in which art has thereby been transformed. Consequently, four additional symptoms of research for art and design are identified: transformational art is claimed and produced such that correspondence is instantiated between the cognitive adjustment achieved in its apprehension and the claims made for that apprehension as yielding an expanded understanding of art.

További program:
14.00-től beszélgetés Stephen Scrivenerrel a doktori képzésekről

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