I Had A Dream
Jozsef Bartha (Romania ), Tim Etchells (England), Nayoung Kim&Gregory Maass (Korea,Germany)
Vukasin Nedeljkovic (Serbia), OPA Group (Macedonia) Corinna Schnitt (Germany)
Curated by Oliver Kielmayer
Kunstraum Baden Switzerland, Dec 16 2004 until Jan 23 2005
Opening reception and launch of WeAreTheArtists No.3 on Wednesday Dec 15,6.30 pm
Opening hours Wed 12 6 pm, Thu 12 6 pm, Fri Sun 12 4 pm. Closed from Dec 22 until Jan 2
The exhibition I Had A Dream is based on a cooperation between the
artist in residence programme of the foundation Künstlerhaus Boswil and the
museum Kunstraum Baden. The concept of the exhibition is not made by the
curator only, but was developped in close cooperation with the artists who are
guests of the residence programme.
I Had A Dream shows artworks dealing with individual and personal
wishes and ideals; sometimes very close to the construction of an ideal world and
society. Paradise can mean a lot of things, material wealth as well as
peace or just a well-functioning society.
Nothing less than the wish for happiness urges mankind to improve
himself and the world constantly; the wish for a better life is the most
important motor of cultural development. At the same time it more and more
becomes clear that with all this improvement something is suddenly missed:
imperfection. If dreams come true many ideals reveal themselves to be
monstrous: everything may be perfect but for a human perspective,
necessarily bound to imperfection, there is no space anymore.
2004. december 06.