Lectures by Prof. Dr. Hans Dieter Huber, Stuttgart
Tuesday, 21st March, 18.00 ? 20.00h:
Main Building, Andrássy 69-71, Projection Hall
Split Attention. Performance and Audience in the Work of Dan Graham
The lecture is concerned with a set of performances, which the American artist Dan Graham specified in the seventies. It brings up for discussion the relationship of the performer to the public as an individual as well as to the public as a social group. The lecture shows small video clips from the performances.
Wednesday, 22nd March, 10.00-12.00h:
Intermedia Department, Kmety u. 27
Urban space and the new media. Artistic interventions into public space
The lecture is concerned with artistic works, which perform interferences and interventions into the public urban space. Examples of artistic installations, actions ans performances are shown, which accomplish such interventions with traditional means and also with new media.
Duration: 2x 45 min. plus discussion
Thursday, 30th March, 18.00-20.00h
Intermedia Department, Kmety u. 27
The Artwork as a System and its Aesthetic Experience. Remarks on the Art of Joseph Beuys
The installations of Joseph Beuys are understood as complex systems, which will be aesthetically experienced by a viewer. Different examples of such complex installation systems are described and interpreted. At the end of the lecture it will be dealt more exactly with the symbolic meaning of individual elements and the theory of social sculpture is discussed briefly.
2006. március 16.