
Tania KOVATS Londonban élő képzőművész előadást tart

Tania KOVATS Londonban élő képzőművész, a Wimbledon School of Art tanára előadást tart a Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetemen, saját művészeti praxisáról, valamint a "Drawing Book" című könyvről, melynek szerkesztője volt.

az előadás helyszíne: MKE, Vetítőterem
időpont: 2006. április 5. 10.00 - 12.00

Az előadás angol nyelven lesz

Mindenkit szeretettel várunk!

Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Doctoral Department

Lecture by Tania Kovats artist, London (Wimbledon School of Art):
Lecturing about her own art practice and editing the Drawing Book.

Wednesday 5th April, 10-12. h
Main Building, Andrássy 69-71, Projection Hall

The Drawing Book. A survey of drawing: the primary means of expression.
2005, Black Dog Publishing.
ISBN 1 904772 33 1

Editor: Tania Kovats
Authors: Charles Darwent, Kate Macfarlane and Katharine Stout
Artists: William Blake, Louise Bourgeois, Eva Hesse, Ingres, Paul Macarthy, Henry Moore, Chris Ofili, Grayson Perry, Kiki Smith, Leonardo Da Vinci, Rachel Whiteread, Sol Le Witt.
Drawing has recently gained greater attention due to the prominence of contemporary artists who use it as a final medium of expression, rather than as a preliminary tool for sketching ideas. The Drawing Book positions drawing as an essential vehicle for creativity, reaching through the discrepancies between its uses by architects, artists and scientists for a deeper truth about the nature of drawing.
The book is arranged around a number of central themes; measurement, nature, the city, dreams and the body; each one richly illustrated with images ranging from cave paintings to engineering diagrams. These run alongside numerous artists? commentaries as well as three substantial essays, considering the history and current popularity of the medium. The result is a book that takes an entirely new approach to the age old medium of drawing.