
Roman Dziadkiewicz

Roman Dziadkiewicz
How Do You Make Art - By What?
24 h. workshop based on the secret teaching/36.6academy strategies.
6 March 2007

The workshop is dedicated to the reflection on art creation processes, their structures and individual (inner) tools and intuitions used for the production of artworks. Workshop is realised in a framework of 7 parts freely related to the structure of 7 chakras (because, like Heraclitus said: "A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one"), or linked to 7 years of World War II in Poland (because, like Heraclitus said: "War is the father of all and the king of all," and "There is a close connection between a piece of art and an act of resistance," like G. Deleuze wrote. Each part will be based on a quotation from exemples of art & socio-political activities, anthropological & historical studies, experiences by Dziadkiewicz and students-participants, as well as on collaborative and individual works with texts, objects or space or/and performative techniques.

Planed structure:

Part no. 1 (chakra of base)
short lecture/presentation on historical inspirations for the secret teaching/36.6academy project and introduction to the technology of art as an act of resistance.

Part no. 2 (chakra of feeling/fire)
breakfast or performative aspects of art and dark senses.

Part no. 3 (chakra of space/air)
meeting in the public space, a flaneur tradition and techniques, and a workshop of breathing.

Part no. 4 (chakra of eyes/water)
meeting at the bath. (relax of mind - a critical reflection on visual and spectacular aspects of art).

Part no. 5 (George Bataille chakra of transgression)
transgressions and/or workshop of shooting.

Part no. 6 (chakra of tongue/language)
a dinner at a student's place. discussion about discursive aspects of art activity.

Part no. 7 (chakra of light or the sunrise harmony)
sleeping/dreaming or possibility/impossibility of the sunrise watching.

Requirements: A group of active students (up to 6-8 people) equipped with paper, pencils; a budget for bath, shooting centre; a fee for partners (a yoga trainer for a workshop of breathing, shooting instructor); a places (guest room, a student's flat, a gallery/yoga centre, a bath, a shooting range).

Sources: Heraclitus of Ephesus, Walter Benjamin, George Bataille, G.I. Gurdjieff, Jerzy Grotowski, Daniel Defoe, Jacques Derrida, Wikipedia, Roman Dziadkiewicz / Fundacja36,6 archive, and others.