Jan Vasilko
The Strabag Artforum proudly presents the actual exhibition of the winner of the
Strabag Artaward International 2009:
Exhibition: 11.09. - 2.10.2009
Opening: 10.09.2009, 18:30
Salutation: Roland Jurecka, member of the management board, Strabag SE
About the work: Juraj Čarný, curator, gallerist, Bratislava
project for a Museum of Contemporary Art in Kosice for 2013
acrylic/canvas, 80x110 cm, 2009
Jan Vasilko (born 1979) is the most noticeable as well as the most respectful representative of the new artistic generation joining the art scene after his graduation at recently established faculty of arts of the Technical University of Košice. Unlike many schoolmates, he is systematically devoted to the medium of paint, however, it is inevitable to read his mind in the broader social (establishment of The Iron Party with Peter Králik) and historical interconnections.
The main inspirational resources - interwar Avantgarde and Dadaism - are combined into romantically-humoristic utopian paint expression. Juraj Čarný
Proposal for a Museum of Contemporary Art in Kosice for 2013
acrylic/canvas, 80x110 cm, 2009
Old sculptures II, acrylic/canvas, 180x250 cm, 2009
Vasilko's painting has for a long time inclined towards a unique creative program emerging from the romantic enthusiasm for production and utility machines, various mechanism, production halls and robots.
"Mechanisms" in Vasilko's paintings fulfill the function of the story heroes, bearers of the ideological or philosophical messages and symbols. The important moment is the absurdity in the "Frankensteinexchange" of the roles of a human being and his creation - an inanimate mechanical object. Within this transformation process the artist constantly toys with a classic iconography whilst using its formal and content dogma. His personal version of the painting corresponds with its techno clean motif basis. An extremely clean handwriting dominates here, geometrical accuracy of the lines, clean areas creating bright compositions and softened coloring. In his latest works he moves towards more graphic expression, the painting becomes almost monochromatic and based mostly on linear relationships. Peter Králik, artist
3 signs in the mountains, acrylic/canvas, 270x180 cm, 2008
Still life with bust of harvest and ear; acrylic/ canvas, 170x250 cm, 2007
Guided tours at the Strabag House Vienna (Artlounge, Gironcoli- Skulpture Hall, Artcollection, Artstudio)
are possible by appointment.
For further information (fotos, catalogue) please contact:
Strabag Kunstforum
Barbara Baum, Tanja Skorepa
Donau-City-Straße 9, A-1220 Vienna
Tel: +43/ 1/ 22422 -1848
Jan Vasilko
1979 born in Humenné, SK
1995-1999 Artschool Kosice (graphics), SK
2000-2005 Faculty of arts at the University of Kosiciach
(Studio Sikora), SK
2004 Studio V. Skrepla, AVU Praha, CZ
2005 Winner of the Oskar Cepan Prize
Stipendium pobyt., New York
Lives and works in Kosice, SK
Exhibitions (selection)
2009 Zlinsky salon mladych, Zlin, CZ
Prague Biennale 4, Karlin Hall, Prague, CZ
2008 Siemens_artLab, Re:Place, Vienna, A
Ideal City, Subteren Gallery, Michalovce, CZ
Kulturpark Kosice, SK
2008 East of Eden, Karlin Studios Prague, CZ
VSG, Kosice, SK
CZ-SK mlada malba, Wannieck Gallery, Brno, CZ
2007 Strana Zeleznych oslavuje, Nitra Gallery, SK
Young artists from East Europe, Gallery Prague, CZ
Contemporary Slovak Painting, Wannieck Gallery, Brno, CZ
Potulky Porurym, City Gallery, Miskolc, HU
Siemens_artLab, Re:Place, Vienna, A
Bienale Skuter J. Koniarek Gallery, Trnava, SK
Viennafair, Vienna, A
Na vyjimky nove, Wannieck Gallery, Brno, CZ
2006 Studie utopickych vezi, Mirbach Palace, City Gallery,
Bratislava, SK
Man Hero Spirit Machine, Galeria Medium, Bratislava, SK
Kingkong hral v Honkongu pingpong Museum V. Loffler,
Kosice, SK
Bienale Mladych, Zlin, CZ
2005 Strana Zeleznych, AM 180 Gallery, Prague, CZ
2005 Finalists of Oskar Cepan Award, Palffy Palace,
Bratislava, SK
Finalists of Jindrich Chalupecky Award, City Gallery,
Prague, CZ
2009. szeptember 01.