To international art students, to whom it may concern,
The artist Georgia Creimer has a new project entitled INTIMATE SPACE. It is a project in
conjunction with the Youth Olympic Games 2012 in Innsbruck, Austria. INTIMATE SPACE
was among the five selected projects of an art and construction competition within the
framework of the building project for the Olympic Village in Innsbruck.
Georgia Creimer is looking for art students from around the globe to participate in the project. They are hereby invited to submit a photographic interpretation of their own “intimate space”, where it is possible for them to relax and where they can reflect and find themselves. The chosen place doesn't need to be understood as a physical or spatial location, it can also be thought as something abstract, like something in a person's mind.
A short text (max. 60 words) should accompany the picture, revealing something about the subject or the artist's relationship with it.
From those who send in their photos, 42 contributors will be selected. Each photo will be digitally processed into monochrome colours, coloured in one of five colors of the Olympic flag (red, blue, green, yellow and black), while the text will be represented in the sixth colour, white. Both picture and text will finally be printed on floor-to-ceiling glass panels (180 x 240 cm)
and permanently installed in the 42 floors of six buildings in the Olympic Village.
Furthermore the selected contributions will be presented on the project's website and in the art-book documentation of INTIMATE SPACE, within which the contributions will also be shown in their original, unprocessed form. Every participating artist will receive a copy of the art-book as a token of gratitude.
Everyone who is interested – please visit to get detailed information about the project and to register for participation. After registering you will receive a submission-code, which will enable you to submit your contribution.
DEADLINE for registration : MARCH, 31st 2011
DEADLINE for submission : MAY, 31st 2011
DEADLINE (extended) for registration : APRIL, 30th 2011
DEADLINE for submission : MAY, 31st 2011
You can send either analogue or digital photographs according the following technical
+ slide, max. 100 ASA/ISO
+ portrait format (upright)
+ image format 4:3
(if you use another format, please add a layout
defining the correct image section)
+ data format: TIFF – file, RGB-mode,
8 bit, 300 dpi (not interpolated!)
+ portrait format (upright)
+ image format 4:3
+ image size 32 x 24 cm
We are curiously looking forward to receive your contributions!
In case of any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Claudia Rohrauer
project assistance studio Creimer
Vienna, 15th of february, 2011
2011. február 18.