
Art, informatics, computer design

June 6, 2011, 9:30–18:00

hosted by
Research Institute for Art History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Conference program

Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 9. (ex Roosevelt tér) 3rd floor

9:30 Welcome addresses

10:00–11:00 László Beke: Introductory remarks: Albert-László Barabási’s contribution to the art history
Astrit Schmidt-Burkhardt: Suddenly It All Falls into Place! Art History Discovers the Diagram
László Márfai Molnár: Myths of informatics – sonny and dark sides

11:00–11:20 Coffee break

11:20–12:20 Zoltán Szegedy-Maszák: Immersive and augmented reality installations
József Tasnádi: Information architecture
Péter Mázár: MTA - Web site redesign experiment

12:40–14:00 Lunch break

14:00–15:30 Erika Katarina Pásztor, Emese Balikó: Network of Thoughts (NoT) - identity representation and visualization based on a different concept of social networking
Róbert Langh: Script and Scroll at the Academy of Fine Arts
István Erőss: Net-Works: an intuitive approach

15:30–15:50 Coffee break

15:50–17:40 Gabriella Vincze: Movement analysis, dance notations and computerized choreography
Ádám Albert, Beata Dávid, Réka Szalóky and Csilla Vizl: Hunt the key: mapping corruption in the real-estate ’business’
Lajos Golovics – Dávid Rácz: Art – Investment – Analysis

17:40 – 18:00 Closure

The conference is a joint event of Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks - 2nd Leonardo Symposion at NetSci 2011, taking place on June 7, 2011 at Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest.