

in Xi'an, April 2013
Decisions taken by EUNIC HEADS
at the Brussels Meeting, December 13th, 2012

Venue, date, themes and sub-themes of the conference (Tang Dynasty West Market Hotel in Xi'an, April 18 - 20th)
Venues, dates, profiles, of the two workshops

Sculpture workshops:

EUNIC heads have agreed to EUNIC China's proposal to nominate the Beijng based Romanian sculptor Virgil SUCIU to be the European curator. He will work in close cooperation with the Chinese curator, Prof. Wu WEISHAN. EUNIC China will now - in close cooperation with their respective EUNIC heads - make proposals for names of European sculptors.  EUNIC China (president: Eric Messerschmidt) will deal with all the practicalities of these workshops.

Deadline for nominating European sculptors:  January 21st, 2013
Please send proposals (with a short curriculum vitae and professional parcours)

The two curators will then have to come together im order to define to nominate  the sculptors to be invited to the different actions and write out a brief for the sculptors.

The different actions of the sculpture workshops:

1. Five senior Chinese and five senior European sculptors will be creating new art works together and share their artistic experience. The venue for the co-creation activities will be the Xi'an Academy of Fine Artswhich offers excellent conditions for artists of all kinds. Co-created works can also be exhibited in that venue or/and at Tang Dynasty West Market Hotel gallery.

The curators will choose among them Chinese and European sculptors togive lectures at four Universities: Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an Architecture Technology University, and Shaanxi Normal University.

2. Five upcoming Chinese and five upcomingEuropean sculptors will be invited to work out  a tailor-made art programme for the future development of the city of Xi'an. This could lead at a later stage to a sculptural cultural route in Xi'an. EUNIC has indicated to the Chinese partners that if such an urban development plan was to be produced for the city of Xi'an during the workshop, the sculptors would have to be paid for their work.

The Chinese side will accommodate the following:
- 10 sculptors for on-site creation workshops and tailor maide city development plan for the duration of the workshop (April 11 - 17th) and the duration of the conference (April 18 - 20), i.e. a total of 10 nights as the artists will also participate actively in the conference.
- The Chinese side has agreed  to pay for "costs for the materials", but it will be the curators' task to decide on the kind of materials to be used

New Media workshops:

Drawing on the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the Huyian county, Shaanxi Province and the city of Xi'an, Chinese and European experts and students will divide into groups to make field inspections and collect material for artistic and touristic exploration. Different domains of intangible and tangible heritage, cultural venues and places dedicated to artistic creation and cultural heritage will be explored and made public through the means of the new media. Digital projections on huge screens all over the city will illustrate the history of Xi'an and Shaanxi Province and give everyone a chance to discover its cultural richness.  Chinese and European IT developers will create video programs, animate the streets of Xi'an, create online games, digital based illustrations and create digital art design. 

The final result of the preparing workshops which will start already in March will be a set of newly developed "social gaming" interactive videos for the City of Xi'an on the topic of the silk road which went from Xi'an to Europe.

The European curators are:

Bertrand BAUDRY, coordinator general at Gare numérique du Val de Sambre (F)  Joyce PROOT, Manager Digital Media Institute, from TechnocITé Mons (B)
Patric JEAN, artistic director,
In Xi'an, the Director of Alliance Française, Thierry COSTE is giving a lot of help.

These interactive videos will be developed in a partnership with Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts and North West University, Xi'an

The new media workshop will developaccording to the following schedule:

Workshop 1:March 4 to 15, 2013, in Xi'an, at the XAFA
This workshop will have to write the script and  create the media needed for the game (photos, videos...) These media will also be used later for the mobile version.

From Europe there would be 1 artistic director and 2 game designers. One teacher, 15 students from XAFA and 3 translators will be present .

Workshop 2:March 18 to 29, 2013 at TechnocITé in Mons (B):  
This workshop will be dedicated to the game development and will host (in Mons, Belgium) 5 students,  one teacher from XAFA and one teacher from NWU (North Western Unversity)  as well as 1 artistic director and 5 game designers from Belgium.

Workshop 3:April 10 to 17, in Xi'an
This workshop will bring together all participants who will install over the city the different devices and technical configurations.  It will be held in parallel to the sculpture workshop which might help foster exchanges with the two groups.

April 18 - 20, 2013: Dissemination allover the City of Xi'an during the Conference.

Please send all proposals for names or any other enquiry to:

1) Guy DOCKENDORF, Coordinator of the 4th and 5th Cultural Dialogues with China: guy.dockendorf@culture, cell: +352 621 133 516

2) Helena KOVARIKOVA, Director Eunic Global, Brussels Office: < >, cell phone: +32 486 62 17 51< >

3) Eric MESSERSCHMIDT, President EUNIC China, Beijing: < >,   cell phone: +86 186 0137 0027< >