Passion to Perform
"Passion to Perform" is an FREE art competition The submitted artworks can be in the form of paintings, photography, sculptures and drawings.
PRIZES - The following three prizes will be awarded. First prize $6,000, second prize $2,500 and third prize of $1,000. In addition, the corporation has established a fund ($25,000) for the acquisition of additional artworks for its private collection.
The competition is open to any person practicing art. The initial entry is online . The company will bear the cost of entry for all entrants to the competition. We will only be admitting 1 entry per person.
KEY DATES 7 February: Deadline for online email entries, by 5pm EST, unless we have reached 1,000 entries beforehand, in which case this date is not applicable.7 March: Results of final round of judging and award notices
Any questions regarding the art competition, please write to
This year, we have partnered with "CaFE online system" to receive the entries, and unlike some competitions this comes at no cost to the artist . Please let us know if you have any questions. In the meantime I have included the "Call for Entry" link below
2014. január 13.