
3rd International Biennial of Drawing and Graphic Arts, Győr, Hungary 2015.

12th December 2015 – 31st January 2016

Theme in 2015: IN/VISIBLE

This international event is organized in every second year. Its aim is demonstrating the techniques of drawing and graphics through art pieces, which are designed and made by the artist's own hand.

Participation is free and open.

The applicants can hand in works from the latest two years. The works can not be older than two years old.
The artworks can be the following by technique:

  • freehand drawings made with different devices (NO study drawing)
  • graphics, which are made by traditional graphical techniques and seriography (NO computer print). These can be handmade books or spatial installations, too.

Candidates of the application:

The participation is open both for Hungarian and not Hungarian artist, too, who:

  • have Fine Arts Degree or
  • have membership of the following organizations: Magyar Alkotóművészek Országos Egyesülete, Magyar Grafikusművészek Szövetsége, Magyar Képzőművészek és Iparművészek Szövetsége
  • students majoring in fine arts

Important notification:

  • Each applicants can hand in at most 3 (three) artworks. A series will be handle like a single work, but it is possible, that the jury will allow just some pieces of the series into the exhibition (e.g. because of lack of space).
  • Participation is free.

The artworks, which will be admitted by the jury, are going to show up in exhibitons in the exhibition rooms of Flóris Rómer Museum of Art and History in December 2015. Artists will be informed about the judgement of the jury. The museum sends further information in connection with the selected artworks. 

Way of application:

Filling an application form is required. Please, write legibly these datas:

  • artist name
  • postal address
  • telephone number
  • e-mail address
  • title of the work
  • technique
  • size
  • year of creation.

We ask the artist to sign the application form.

Beside the application form please attach the Curriculum Vitae of the artist (extension: doc, format: typed, 12 pt Times New Roman, single-spaced, at most 2 /two/ pages).

We ask the candidates to send the application documents by e-mail to this e-mail address: as follows:

  • photos of the entered artworks in JPEG format, at resolution of min. 300 dpi
  • the application form in pdf format
  • the Curriculum Vitae in doc format.

After 7th November 2015. the museum informs the selected candidates of when and where will be the suggested artworks collected.

The artworks, which will be admitted by the jury, are going to show up in exhibitons in the exhibition rooms of Flóris Rómer Museum of Art and History in 12th December 2015 (Esterházy palace, 17. Király str. 9021).

Application deadline: 31st October 2015.

Attention: The jury will judge only those works, which arrives with a complete, legibly filled and signed application form attached.

The jury will reject the artworks, which

  • arrive after the application deadline
  • do not correspond the requirements (read above)
  • are damaged
  • are dirty

We wish successful creative work!

Győr, September 2015.

Bernadett Grászli
museum director

Information in connection of the application:

exhibiton designer of museum, graphic artist

Flóris Rómer Museum of Art and History
17. Király str. Győr, 9021.


Download APPLICATION FORM (.doc)