

PRIZE:  HUF 100,000 + ÁFA


“Literature Night” is a multicultural event being organised by EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture) in Hungary. The event builds on the concept of literature being a unique creative medium which embraces the voices of individuals along with the values of the society they live in.  It will be held on Thursday, 31 March 2016.

The programme

The aim of a Literature Nights is to offer a platform for countries inside and outside of Europe to present their contemporary writing in translation and to present new literary voices in a creative way. This programme is already held in many European countries by the member institutes of EUNIC.

In Hungary it is an opportunity for Budapest’s literature lovers and city dwellers to go on a literary adventure by experiencing the best of international contemporary literature and explore unusual and distinctive parts of Budapest’s fifth district. 

One night – many experiences: readings from over 20 International authors, based on the theme of “Cityscapes”, will be performed by the actors of the renowned Katona Theatre Company throughout District V on the evening of 31 March 2016.


To promote this event EUNIC would like an innovative, positive and sophisticated design to run through a series of promotional materials. We invite students of graphic design and visual arts in Hungary to submit designs for the Literature Night including the logo and one promotional item: a poster.

Who can enter?

Participation is open to design students and graduates of Hungarian Universities aged 18-35.  An independent jury will evaluate the competition submissions.


The activity focuses on creating the visual identity and one promotional item for the “Literature Night” event.


The logo will be displayed on all publications, therefore giving an extended visibility to the author and its work, beyond the end of the project.
EUNIC reserve the right to use the winning design in all forms of media relating to the specific project “Literature Night” with no further fees payable to the designer.

Please complete the form and submit your design to email address  midnight on Sunday, 17 January.

The winner will be informed of the decision no later than Friday, 29 January.

If you have any questions please write an e-mail or call us on +3614625066



Competition entry is free of charge, anonymous, and respects the standards of design competitions. By participating in the competition, you agree to the following official rules which create a contract between you and EUNIC.

Please read the rules carefully before entering.


  1. Participation is open to design students and graduates aged 18-35
  2. Individual or collective authorship projects are admitted, provided that all authors meet the conditions referred to in this document.
  3. Each participating individual or group is allowed to submit a maximum of two entries (which should include the logo and one promotional item).


Submission: midnight on Sunday, 17 January 2016

Publication of results: 29 January 2016

The winners will be informed via e-mail and names will be publicised on the EUNIC Hungary website.


First place: HUF 100,000 + ÁFA plus a contract for  the design of all promotional materials related to this project  - “Literature Night”.

Second and Third place will receive honourable mentions on the EUNIC website.

Please note that:

  1. The winner is liable for all taxes due on the prize money.  
  2. The award of this competition cannot be converted into other prizes. The impossibility to collect the award before 31 May 2016, for any reason, does not confer any right to compensation.
  3. The right to the prize shall terminate automatically and definitively, and without the need for any particular formalism, in case of any of the following situations:
    1. irregularity in the award-winning participant or his team application;
    2. evidence of plagiarism or if the submitted project has been created by someone other than the people registered as members of the winning team.


  1. The competition aims to create the visual identity to promote the Literature Night event organized by EUNIC Hungary.
  2. This visual identity will be used in various media and in different formats, e. g. Facebook page, Twitter, posters, badges, flyers, brochures, exhibition banners, signage etc. 
  3. The submitted proposal must be unpublished and original.

Submission requirements

  1. Completed application form, in English, explaining the concept behind the artwork (maximum 500 characters).
  2. Graphic presentation:
    1. 2 sheets ISO A3 for the logo (the first illustrating the concept, the second explaining the technical feasibility);
    2. 2 sheets ISO A3 for the promotional object (the first illustrating the concept, the second explaining the technical feasibility and the production process).
    3. The referring metric scale must be included in all the sheets.
    4. The 4 sheets can be submitted in the following digital formats only: JPG, TIF, PNG and must be of ready-for-print quality (300 dpi).
    5. The logo must also be submitted in a vector file format and the font used must be clearly specified.
  3. To insure the security of their digital transfer, all participants must upload their proposals to this e-mail via WeTransfer or a similar service
  4. Each project should take into consideration that the promotional item will be manufactured/reproduced.

Evaluation criteria

  1. Creativity of the concept
  2. Adaptation to themes of literature and Cityscapes
  3. Innovation of design principles
  4. Adaptation to different formats


The members of the Jury are as follows:

  • Katarzyna Sitko, Director, Polish Institute & Chairperson of EUNIC Hungary
  • Lucie Orbók, Director, Czech Centre
  • Györgyi Patko, Marketing Manager, British Council
  • João Miguel Henriques, Director, Camões Institute
  • Claire Garand, Deputy Director, Institut Français
  1. The Jury will select, by majority vote, the best project proposal.
  2. The results are indisputable and final.
  3. The evaluation criteria and the motivation of decisions, including the first prize (HUF 100,000 + ÁFA plus contract) and the honourable mentions are the sole responsibility of the Jury.
  4. The Jury reserves itself the right not to award any prize, in case of lack of projects meeting the minimum requirements of distinction, defined by the Jury.
  5. EUNIC Hungary reserves the right to replace members of the Jury if, due to unforeseen circumstances, original members are unavailable

Intellectual property rights

  1. The participants agree to the exhibition and/or publication of the projects submitted, either in part or in their entirety.
  2. The participants agree to award EUNIC the rights to use the submitted projects and all their parts for any promotion or for any non-commercial purposes.
  1. By submitting a project, the Competition winner gives the exclusive, unlimited, royalty-free, rights of the project and grants to EUNIC the right to publish it in all media now known or hereafter discovered, and to publicly display all works for an unlimited period in Hungary, with no further fees payable to the designer.
  1. EUNIC has the right to apply minor changes or amendments without damaging the integrity of the project, e.g. reframe, translate, change colours, cut the background or parts of it.
  2. The participant renounces any rights he may claim, namely to the use of his/her project to publish or issue press releases or making public any information relating to the works, without the prior written consent from EUNIC and without consultation of the same, regarding the content of such notices or announcements. Except the presentation of his/her project in his/her professional portfolio, and legal obligations or to respond to orders issued by a judicial or administrative authority.
  3. Upon EUNIC’s request, participants are expected to provide any necessary material required for proper presentation and execution of their proposal.
  1. The participant warrants that the copyright or any other rights do not offend the rights of others and, consequently, he/she takes responsibility for any damages that may be required by EUNIC for infringement of third party rights.
  2. By receiving the Prize, the Winner renounces all further rights.
  3. All the projects submitted under this Competition are considered to be work made upon demand, under the, and for the purposes of the Hungarian Copyright Code and its Related Rights.
  4. EUNIC is free to use all of the works submitted.

Privacy policy

This privacy policy applies to everyone who wishes to take part in the competition.

We will neither sell nor trade your Personal Data (such as names or e-mail addresses) nor will we infringe your personal rights in any way. If you register for the competition, you disclose your Personal Data. This Personal Data will only be collected, processed and used for the purpose of organizing the Competition or informing you about the project.

The Organizer will not use the contact details for other private or commercial purposes, e.g. for promotional purposes especially, but not limited to, unrequested and uninvited advertising by e-mail, or to be contacted by mail. We may collect, process and use the following Personal Data: e-mail address and contact data.

As a condition of entering the Competition, each participant gives consent for EUNIC to obtain and deliver his or her name, address and other information to third parties for the purpose of administering and organizing the Competition and to comply with applicable laws, regulations and rules.

Regulation, changes to dates and deadlines

This Regulation is the only agreement between the participant and EUNIC, and that is why the presentation of any project proposal, within its scope, expresses acceptance by the

Participant of the terms and conditions stipulated herein.

The Deadlines and dates set out in this Regulation may be amended by decision of EUNIC. Any change will be notified via the EUNIC website.

