
OPEN CALL Exhibition Proposal

The Slohagenhallah Project invites art students and student collectives to submit a proposal for an exhibition at the Goethe Institut in Ramallah, Palestine, early May 2016.

An international team of 15 students are offering to realize your proposal on site, in Ramallah.
The entire exhibition space at the Goethe Institut in Ramallah and a budget will be at the chosen artist's disposal.

Our group of 15 motivated students, from academies in both Scandinavia and Palestine, is offering its time, effort and combined forces to realize the proposed work. The latter can take on any medium, concept and subject matter, but must adopt a form that can be produced by the group on site.

As its working premise, Slohagenhallah is exploring the Student Exhibition as a possible genre.
Over the course of a critical, transinstitutional dialogue, we've come to see the topic as a complex matter of multiple layers of negotiation between an individual and his/her structural framework. Our project is a gesture from student to student that explores the various layers of this negotiation. It’s an attempt to challenge the institutional settings and definitions of

Deadline for proposals is March 10th, 2016. 23:59PM, Ramallah (GMT+2)


  • The Slohagenhallah Group will select the final proposal by majority vote.
  • The project has a budget of 1000 Euro at its disposal for the production of the chosen artist's work.
  • The exhibition will open Thursday, May 5, 2016, and will be accessible to the public for the space of ten days.
  • The work will be produced by the Slohagenhallah Group, on site at the Goethe Institut in Ramallah; based on instructions and sketches provided by the exhibiting student.
  • See attached layout and images for more information on the exhibition venue. The space has 167.49 sqm, with four moving walls.
  • The Slohagenhallah Group will have a month’s time for preparation (at their three home institutions) and one week on site to produce the work.
  • The proposal cannot include objects to be shipped, nor previously produced work.
  • The project does not facilitate the exhibiting student’s travel to Ramallah; presence is not required.
  • Copyright of the work remains with the exhibiting student, and the exhibition will be in the student’s name.
  • The Slohagenhallah Group will be accredited and holds the right to use documentation of the work.
  • Please note that the realization of the work will be determined both by the written proposal and the Slohagenhallah group’s reading and interpretation thereof. This even though the group will stay in dialogue with the student.

Entries should include the following

  • Proposal for the work to be produced by the Slohagenhallah Group
  • All necessary information for the realization of the work
  • Full name and contact information
  • Attended art academy must be mentioned and/or documented

Application should be submitted as a single PDF and send to:

Maher, Wafa, Qais, Ksenia, Linnea, David, Beatrice, Carl, Anna Sofie, Lubna, Nikolaj,
Vibe, Gianna, Rune

Slohagenhallah is a project by students and faculty from three different Art Academies: The
Academy of Fine Art in Oslo, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, and
International Academy of Art Palestine, Ramallah.