
Contemporary Art Award COMEL Vanna Migliorin

Theme of the Seventh Edition: ‘Harmonies in Aluminium’ Registration until 15 June 2018

Contemporary Art Award COMEL Vanna Migliorin

The call is now open for the Seventh Edition of COMEL Award Contemporary Art, the international competition which highlights the expressive, aesthetic, communicative and constructive potential of aluminium.

It is an opportunity of meeting among artists from different countries, joining different European cultures and encouraging exchange, sharing and reciprocal enrichment. It represents also a perfect union between enterprise and contemporary art. CO.ME.L. company of Latina is in fact the promoter and sponsor of the prize, established in memory of Mrs Vanna Migliorin, the beating heart of Mazzola family and the business they have been running for 50 years.

An increasing interest from the academic world has followed the COMEL Award. Some representatives of the academies have been actively involved in the various editions, as jurors and artists, and two of them have won two editions: Luce Delhove, Brera Academy of Fine Arts, in 2016, and Rosaria Iazzetta, from Naples Academy of Fine Arts.

Participation in the competition is open to all artists aged 18 and over who live or work across the European continent, as long as the registered work respect the theme proposed in this edition: ‘Harmonies in Aluminium’. The theme is directly inspired by the characteristics of the metal: its excellent ability to conduct heat, energy and sound. Artists are expected to work as orchestra conductors, modelling the materials among which aluminium should stand out, in a harmonious whole.

A jury of experts will select the 13 finalists, whose works will be exhibited at the Spazio COMEL Arte Contemporanea, the exclusive venue of the Prize and art gallery in Latina (Italy), which hosts important art retrospectives and solo exhibition of great artists, such as Alberto Burri (held in 2015), Afro Basaldella (2016), Pietro Consagra (2017).

The winner will receive a cash prize of 3500 euros and the possibility of a personal exhibition at the Spazio COMEL, in addition to a dedicated catalog.

Registration is free.

To register or receive more information, please consult the site

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