
Prix Elysée fourth edition

határidő: 2020. március 9.

What is the Prix Elysée?
The Prix Elysée is an international prize that supports photographic production and encourages mid-career photographers or artists to create a new project, on a theme of their choice.

Thanks to the Prix Elysée, conceived with the support of Parmigiani Fleurier, the eight nominees each receive a contribution of CHF 5,000 (5,160 USD) towards the presentation of their project in a collective book. The winner, chosen by an international jury, receives CHF 80,000 (82,560 USD) to produce his / her project and to publish a book. The nominees as well as the winner gain important visibility.

Why apply?
Photographers are in charge: you apply directly for the theme of your choice
Nominees matter: they get as much time and exposure as the winner
Your work gets published: both the nominees and the winner produce a book
We’re a museum: we keep interesting work in mind for other projects

How and when can I apply?
Applications will be open until March 9, 2020. The complete prize rules and guidelines are available in English and French on
