
Fotograf OPEN CALL 2020

FOTOGRAF issues an open call for professionals, amateurs and students who are invited to submit their photo projects. These projects may be related to this year’s theme of the Fotograf Festival and magazine Uneven Ground. Projects that are not related to the topic, but represent a distinctly defined project of an independent and non-commercial character will be accepted as well.

Two selected projects will be published in a printed issue of the Fotograf magazine in October 2020. The winners will be chosen by the jury whose members including professionals and experts on contemporary visual art.

Uneven Ground

Despite constant movement, networking, exchange and an abundance of information, we rarely come into contact with the really unknown, the unexpected. Medium of photography indicates closeness and at the same time it incites disaffection. Is it possible to share the same view when viewed from a different perspective? Who we are and who are the others?

The deadline for the competition submissions is June 21, 2020.

More info:

Děkujeme / Thanks to:
foto / photo Polina Davydenko
grafická koncepce / graphic design The Rodina