
Invitation to design contest

Procurement procedure title: New logo for the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)

Procurement procedure reference: GSA/NP/14/20

Ref: GSA/NP/14/20
Issue: vO
Date: 26/06/2020

Dear Sir/Madam,

The European GNSS Agency (hereinafter referred to “GSA” or “the Contracting Authority”) is
organising the design contest referred to above. You are invited to submit a design project taking
into account the conditions specified in the present Notice. Submission of a design project implies
acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in this Notice, unless the participant indicates in
its proposal that it does not comply fully or partially with one or more of these terms or conditions.

1. Context of the design contest

The GSA is a European Union regulatory agency set up under Regulation (EU) No 912/2010 of European Parliament and the Council, as amended by Regulation (EU) No 512/2014 of European Parliament and the Council (hereinafter referred to as the “GSA Regulation”), to accomplish specific tasks related to the European GNSS Programmes.
Further information can be found on the Agency’s web site at
In near future, the GSA should become the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (hereafter the EU Space Programme Agency or EUSPA). This new agency should perform a series of activities in the frame of the new EU Space Programme, which will be notably linked to programmes Galileo and EGNOS, the EU satellite navigation systems, Copernicus, the EU Earth Observation system, GOVSATCOM and SSA/SST, the governmental applications. The agency will also play an increased role in ensuring the security of all EU Space programme components.
EUSPA will need a new logo to be clearly identified.

1.1 Outline of the design contest

Name: GSA! N P/14/20
Procedure: Design contest in accordance with Article 164(1) (c) FR’ for procurement of services.

2. Technical specifications

2.1 Objective of the design contest

The subject-matter of this procedure is a design contest for a new logo for EUSPA. The new logo will be used to identify and promote it. It should create a brand recognition for EUSPA vis-ã-vis
European, international, national stakeholders and users communities.
The new logo should reflect the different features of this agency.

2.1.1 EUSPA Mission

EUSPA will be the EU agency in charge of managing the services of several components of the EU
Space programme in order to:

  • guarantee the continuity of services to strengthen the EU independence and interests.
  • guarantee the security of systems and services to protect the EU infrastructure.
  • foster the use of space data to promote the economic growth in all EU Member States.

EUSPA will continue to interface with European and global space players, including institutions, international public and private organisations, space application user communities, space
entrepreneurs. EUSPA will continue working with the European Commission, the European Parliament, Member States, the European Space Agency, UNOOSA, national space agencies, and
European and international organisations. It will increase collaboration with the existing GNSS community and reach out to Copernicus, GOVSATCOM, SSA/SST communities to capture new user
needs, create synergies and provide user-centred services.

Applicants may find further information on the GSA and EUSPA missions under the following links:

2.1.2 Characteristics of EUSPA logo

The logo should reflect and highlight that EUPSA will be:

  • a body of the European Union;
  • innovative;
  • operational;
  • business oriented;
  • providing space services and applications.

In addition, the following messages should be conveyed through the new logo:

  • EUSPA has a specific know-how developed through a service-user approach for all users (citizens, governments, institutions and business actors).
  • EUSPA is the operational arm of the European Commission for the EU Space programme.
  • EUSPA is user-centered, serving all EU citizens, Member States and is supporting European business. EUSPA will promote synergies between the different components of the EU Space programme, Galileo, EGNOS, Copernicus and GovSatCom.
  • EUSPA will closely cooperate with all the Member States to create a favourable environment to reinforce the impact of EU Space Programme on the EU economy.

The logo

  • may consist of any signs, in particular words or designs, letters, numerals, colours;
  • should be simple and clear;
  • should have, as a whole, a high distinctive character, i.e. be original, innovative and creative;
  • may contain one strong element which could acquire, on its own, a distinctive character;
  • will be used for several purposes such as letterheads, business cards, social media and website. It should thus be transferable in small size and easy to use for web purpose;
  • needs to be recognisable when printed as small as 1.5 cm. and as large as 150 cm.

2.1.3 Minimum requirements

The logo must contain at least the blue colour of the EU flag (Pantone Reflex Blue corresponds to
the web-palette colour RGB: 0/51/153 (hexadecimal: 003399) and not more than 2 different fonts.

The logo shall not:

  • violate intellectual property rights of a right holder and, in particular copyright;
  • be similar to an existing logo or another earlier sign which was made already available to the public;
  • contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality and, in particular, it shall not be offensive;
  • be of such a nature as to deceive the public.

2.1.4 Deliverables

The logo design concepts must be provided in PDF format with the logo design in EPS including
colour spaces in Pantone, CMYK, RGB.
Each logo concept should be accompanied by a brief description of how the logo was developed
and what characteristics and messages it imparts.
Logo proposal should be delivered in several versions both in landscape and portrait formats, not
being too vertical or too horizontal though.

The proposal should include the following:

  • Coloured logo with the full name European Union Space Programme Agency;
  • Coloured logo with the acronym EUSPA;
  • Coloured logo with an intermediate name: EU Space Programme Agency;
  • The grayscale version for each logo;
  • How the logo is used in dark backgrounds.

The final logo package should be supplied with logo in 300dpi/jpeg.
The future contractor will also be requested to incorporate a slogan for EUSPA, the slogan will be
provided once the design project will be awarded.
The maximum size of submissions via email must be under 30 megabytes.

3 Participation conditions

Participation to the present procurement is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons.

4 Project ownership

Candidates shall provide the following duly signed Declaration of Authorship in their proposals:
“1 / We declare that

  • lam [we are] the author[sJ of the logo submitted in the present proposal;
  • the logo meets all the requirements of the design contest;
  • I / we hold all the intellectual property rights related to this logo, in particular copyright, and no other person has such rights;
  • the logo is not identical or similar to an existing logo or another earlier sign which was made already available to the public”.

This statement is legally binding.
A disagreement between the information in the request to participate and Declarations of
Authorship may lead to rejection from the procedure.

5 Assessment of the projects

The project will be evaluated in accordance with following steps:

5.1 Award criteria

The technical quality will be evaluated on the basis of the project submitted by the candidate in
accordance with the following award criteria (in decreasing order of importance):

  • Criteria 1: Clarity of the logo

The artwork expresses and is coherent with “EUSPA” key features.

The logo must be easy to understand and provide the viewer with a good impression, including a
sense of timelessness.

  • Criteria 2: Originality, innovation and creativity

Originality in concept, innovative approach of the theme.
Uniqueness, memorability and differentiation from other stakeholders of EU Space Programme such as the European Commission or European Space Agency.

  • Criteria 3: Graphic presentation

Easy to be transformed into a logo with one strong distinctive sign.
Ease of use in any size and on any support (e.g. letterheads and website).
Sufficient strength and impact to be used as a stand-alone logo.

5.2 Evaluation of the projects

The projects will be evaluated by a jury.
All the names of the members of the jury will be published after the adoption of the
appointment decision by the GSA.

5.3 Outcome of the design contest

The jury will select five design projects as winners and rank them by merit. The tive winners will be invited to negotiate a contract with the GSA in order for the GSA to procure the logo, for a maximum budget of EUR 15.000 (fifteen thousand euros).
Among these winners, the GSA will select the successful candidate, to which the contract will be award on the basis on the following criteria (in decreasing order of importance):

  • Clarity of the logo;
  • Originality, innovation and creativity;
  • Graphic presentation;
  • Price.

5.4 Anonymity of the candidates

Anonymity of the candidates during the assessment of the projects will be guaranteed.
All technical documents and items submitted by the candidates tor the purpose of the competition — notably the proposals of logo and their description — must be submitted in an
anonymous format. The jury will be not informed of identity of the candidates.

6 Submission of the project

Candidates are requested to submit the following by e-mail (scans of original projects! documents
duly signed and dated) as specified below:

Content Checklist
(i) Design project containing the information to allow evaluation of the
project (maximum 2 projects per Candidate and maximum size of
submission via email must be under 30 megabytes) E
(ii) Declarations of Authorship (section 4)

7 Requests of clarifications

Requests shall be sent in writing only to .

8 Projects submission deadline

The deadline for submission of the projects is 14 August 2020, 23:59 (Prague local time). Projects should be submitted, containing all the information requested above, per email (scans of original
project documents), to the following Agency’s address . The subject matter of the email shall be “GSA/NP/14/20 - New logo for the EU Space Programme Agency


By the submission of the projects, the candidates accept receiving of the notifications of the outcome of the procedure by electronic means (per email to the email address of the person of contact designated by the candidate for the purposes of administrative management of this procedure).

9 Intellectual property rights of all the submitted projects

By submitting a project, candidates represent and warrant that they are the sole authors and rightsholders of the submitted projects. Candidates retain their intellectual property rights of
the submitted projects. They grant the GSA the right to use, store, reproduce, display, print, publish, communicate to the public or distribute in hard copies, in electronic or
digital format, or on the internet (including social networks as a downloadable or non downloadable file), the submitted project or copies of the submitted project for the purpose of
communicating or informing about the competition. The names of the authors will be noted along with their projects. The exercise of the above-mentioned rights by the GSA is subject to the display of a proper notice in due acknowledgement of the author/s unless this is not feasible.
For the avoidance of doubt, the GSA holds the right of first publication and is entitled to document and exhibit the competition entries subsequent to the conclusion of the procedure or to have them published without being obliged to pay any further compensation.
The GSA may use for the intended purpose of the competition, minor partial solutions proposed by any of the candidates, provided they consent to such use.

9.1 Intellectual property rights of the project retained for execution

After the award of the contract to a candidate following the negotiation with winners of the design contest, the GSA will sign with this candidate a contract mentioned in section 3 by which it will
acquire, for a price indicated in this section, all the rights of use for the design project, subject to the conditions stipulated in this contract.
The authors and their assignees will have to agree with the use of the logo by the Agency and are obliged to allow deviations or modifications to the works.
To the extent that the GSA may reasonably be expected to do so, the GSA must consult the candidate prior to making major modifications.

10 Data protection specific to the project

Any personal data that may be included in the projects received during the present procedure will be processed in accordance with (1) the applicable rules on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies
(currently Regulation (EU) 2018/1725) and (2) the modalities of the following privacy statement:

Identity of the controller and Data Protection Officer:

  • Controller: European GNSS Agency (GSA), Head of the Communication Department of the GSA, Janovskeho 438/2 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic,
  • Data Protection Officer: GSA Data Protection Officer, ]anovskeho 438/2 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic,

Purpose of the processing:

  • the management and administration of the procedure
  • additionally and only with regard to the personal data of the awarded candidate(s), the preparation of the contract

Data concerned:

• Contact information of candidates, e.g. name and last name of authorised representatives, email address, postal address, telephone numbers, company/agency/body and department, country of establishment, position
• Financial information of candidates, e.g. bank account number, IBAN and BIC codes, address of respective bank branch
• Information that may be included in CVs of experts proposed by candidates: name and last name of proposed experts, educational background, professional experience including details on current and past employment, technical skills and languages etc.
• Data related to criminal convictions and offences of: (1) members of the administrative, management or supervisory body of candidates, (2) natural persons who have powers of representation, decision or control of the candidate, (3) owners of the candidates as
defined in Article 3(6) of Directive (EU) 2015/849, (4) natural persons assuming unlimited liability for the debts of the candidates, (5) natural persons who are essential for the award or the implementation of the contract; such data are collected through the submission of the declaration of honour (Annex IV)

It is specifically noted that:

• the abovementioned processing operations will not entail the processing of any special categories of personal data. If, however, a candidate submits such data at its own volition and without any specific request, it is implied that the data subject has given its consent to the processing of such data.
• the provision of personal data by the candidates is a requirement necessary to enter into the contract

Legal bases: Article 5(1)(a), 5(1)(c), 10(2)(a) and 11 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725

Lawfulness of the processing:

  • Article 5(1)(a): the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, specifically the management and functioning of the Agency through the launching of tender procedures.
  • Article 5(1)(c): the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is patty or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; the Agency processes the personal data of the candidates at their request (through the submission of their tenders) in order to take the necessary steps prior to enter into the contract with the awarded candidate(s).
  • Article 11: the processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences shall be carried out only when authorised by Union law; such processing, in the form of an extract from the judicial record or declaration of honour, is explicitly foreseen in the Financial Regulation2 (Articles 136-140)
  • Article 10(2)(a): as explained above, in case any candidate submits special categories of data at its own volition and without any specific request, it is implied that the data subject has given its consent to their processing

Recipients of the data processed:

  • a limited number of staff of the Agency managing this tender procedure
  • data processors:
    • a limited number of staff of the Agency’s contractors assisting the Agency’s staff in the management of this tender procedure
    • a limited number of staff of the Agency’s contractors in charge of the provision of hosting services for the Agency’s servers
  • bodies charged with a monitoring or inspection task in application of Union law (e.g. internal audits, Financial Irregularities Panel, European Anti-fraud Office — OLAF)
  • members of the public: the winning entities will be announced to the public, which may also entail the announcement of the personal data of the representatives of such entities (e.g. name, last name)

Information on the retention period and storage locations of personal data:

  • any information pertaining to this tender procedure shall be kept for up to 7 years following the end of the year when the contract(s) has been awarded as a result of the tender procedure; files may also have to be retained until the end of a possible audit if one started before the end of the above period;
  • all collected data may be stored:
    • electronically on the Agency’s servers with access control measures (i.e. one or two factor authentication) hosted by the Agency’s contractors which are located in the EU and abiding by the necessary security provisions
    • physically in secure storage cupboards in the Agency’s HU in Prague
    • electronically and physically on the servers/cupboards of the processors identified above (all of which are established in an EU Member State)

The data subjects’ rights:

  • Data subjects have the right of access, rectification and erasure of their personal data or restriction of processing at any time, provided that there are grounds for the exercise of this right, as per the applicable rules
  • Data subjects have the right to object, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, at any time to the processing of personal data concerning him or her. Requests shall be addressed to the Agency’s Facility Management & Logistic Department at by describing the request explicitly. It is noted that pursuant to such a request, the Controller shall no longer process the personal data unless the Controller demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
  • Data subjects may obtain their personal data, submitted to the Agency, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and transmit them to another controller, provided that there are grounds for the exercise of this right, as per the applicable rules
  • Data subjects are entitled to lodge a complaint at any time with the European Data Protection Supervisor f; ) if they consider that their rights under the applicable rules on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data have been infringed as a result of the processing of their personal data by the Agency
  • Only in cases where the data subjects’ consent is used as the legal basis for the processing of personal data (i.e. in case they have submitted special categories of data at their own volition and without any specific request), they can withdraw their consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal

Any request for the exercise of any of the abovementioned rights shall be addressed to the Agency’s Facility Management & Logistic Department at ; data subjects are kindly requested to describe their requests explicitly.

11 Further conditions of the procurement proceedings

Up to the point of contract signature, the Agency may either abandon procurement or cancel the award procedure, without candidates being entitled to claim any compensation.

Pascal Claudel
Acting Executive Director

2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No
1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No
1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation
(EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 (hereafter referred to as ‘the Financial Regulation’ or ‘FR’).

2 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046
