
Open Call for Participants – EU4ART, Dresden University of Fine Arts

Autumn Academy Student plein-air painting trip to the village of Geierswalde in the Lusatian open-cast mining region

Planned period: 28.09.-03.10.2020
Participants: for about 15 students, orientation phase, 2 students per Budapest, Rome, Riga
Destination: Haus am See Geierswalde, Elsterheide/OT Geierswalde, district of Bautzen
The school is open to all interested students
Deadline for application: see at the end of the document

Participation in the Autumn School is free of charge; however, participants must cover partial accommodation and catering costs of 80 EUR.
For any questions regarding application, please contact:
We will respond to applicants by.

As a precautionary measure to limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the Autumn school organizers will follow the latest governmental recommendations and do our best to provide a safe environment.


Student plein-air painting trip to the village of Geierswalde in the Lusatian open-cast mining region for about 15 + 6 students by Alliance partner schools/ interested students from the orientation phase including half-day Visit tour of the active opencast mine Welzow-Süd.
The strange landscape of the Lower Lausitz with its artificially Landscapes, rudiments from the time of opencast lignite mining, old building structures of the villages from former times, the mixture with tourism, modernity and everyday life inspire various image ideas.

We would like to offer students a week-long, intensive, concentrated time to enable a pictorial confrontation in this region. Due to the very positive feedback from participants over the last year and our own experience and knowledge, we adhere to the existing concept with small additions and extensions to the content solid.

A small youth hostel of the EVANGELISCHE JUGENDARBEIT DER REGION. We feed ourselves there. The exploration of the region can be done from there on foot or by bicycle. Besides the pictorial examination of each individual on site, the joint picture meeting in the evening should also be held. The occupation with painting technique, especially with the question, which equipment is practicable for artistic work outdoors, is to be discussed in a practical way. We would like for example, also for the drawing work, produce charcoal themselves, with which can be drawn directly the next day.

To the region:
The Koschen opencast lignite mine was opened up southeast of Senftenberg in 1952. From
In 1955 the first coal could be produced. Some villages were built in the mining years dredged up. In 1972 the open-cast mine was closed down and flooded to the lake. At the today's Geierswalder lake in the village Geierswalde, sorbian Lejno, live Sorbs together with Germans. At the end of the 19th century, the Sorbs accounted for 98 % of Population. By 1956, it was only 49.3%.
We see the background as a stimulus for local students themselves to search to go, with the gaze and the language of the painter and draughtsman, the To question those found. With this little trip the students have the opportunity to experience this interesting region of Saxony, to get to know its history and stories, to get to know keep us busy. We would also like to make films on regional topics and on the picturesque plein air positions, for example the documentary films "Gundi Gundermann" (1982), "End of the Iron Age" (1999), "The Painter Max Uhlig" (1989) and "Painter Klotz" (2001)


Jelentkezni portfólióval lehet a e-mail címen, a nyelvtudás megjelölésével (angol vagy német, minimum jó társalgási szint, nyelvvizsga előnyben) AUGUSZTUS 23-IG. A művésztelep témáját tekintve (plein air) előnyben a műfajt művelő hallgatók.
A jelentkezéssel elfogadod a művészteleppel járó költségeket (szállás 80€, utazás, étkezés), bővebb információért a fentebb megadott e-mail címre írjatok angolul vagy németül.