


The Fresh A.I.R. scholarships of the Stiftung Berliner Leben offer artists and cultural practitioners
the time, space and resources to devote themselves to an artistic project in accordance with the
Foundation's funding priorities. Up to 13 artists are invited to live and work in our artist residencies
in Berlin for 6 months.
The current call is for the 6th year starting in October 2021 and ending in March 2022.


»VOICES OF MIGRATION« opens three thematic fields of action: »FRAMING«, »(RE)TELLING« and
»LIVING«. Voices from different perspectives are made audible and visible in the various aesthetic and
artistic forms of expression. Funding will be provided for project ideas in which one of the three thematic
focuses is expressed through artistic means.


In »FRAMING«, the first thematic field of action, artists and cultural practitioners are invited to visualize
in their project how cultural difference is negotiated in contemporary social debates.

Funding will be provided for:
• Projects that reflect ideas and attitudes about one’s own or foreign cultural identities
• Projects that critically discuss media representations of migration
• Projects that address theoretical models of migration artistically


In the second thematic field of action »(RE)TELLING«, artists and cultural practitioners are invited to
examine the current situation of new immigrants and to give people with migration experience a voice
in their artistic project. The artistic presentation of worlds of experience and projection, of life situations
and perspectives, and of desires, longings, and memories is at the center of this thematic unit.
Funding will be provided for:
• Projects that intend the participation of persons with migration experience or migration experts
• Projects that emphasize personal life stories and personal perceptions
• Projects that promote transcultural dialog between members of the home and the host society


City stories are always connected with stories of migration, in which migrants and their second or third
generation descendants become visible in many different ways, (co-)designing and acting. In »LIVING«,
the third thematic field of action, the focus will be on places designed by people from different cultural
backgrounds that at the same time offer space for the development of diverse life strategies.

Funding will be provided for:
• Projects that make cultural identity visible in urban contexts
• Projects that take a critical look at urban development issues
• Projects that artistically reflect the heterogeneity of migrant living environments


Application deadline: Monday, 09 November, 2020
Applications are only accepted via our application platform.
You can find further information at