Invitation to webinar "Differences in Artistic Research: Fine Arts and Society"
The EU4ART Alliance can investigate into the postgraduate field in the education of young artists with additional financing from Horizon 2020. EU4ART_differences will explore concepts for postgraduate studies and look at methods to artistic research from many perspectives with a team of experts and PhD students. The debut English-language webinar, "Differences in Artistic Research: Fine Arts and Society," will take place on November 25. Speakers from all of the participating institutions will discuss innovative methods to digital teaching and learning, artistic knowledge and concepts, and new models in artistic research. Finally, the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts' DLA Graduate School will introduce itself and its potential, as well as present the work of a PhD student, Anna Peternák.
Please register for the event following this link Webinar ( You will receive all participation information via e-mail. Feel free to share the event information among interested colleagues or friends.
10.00 - Institutional greetings - Cecilia Casorati (Accademia Belle Arti, Roma)
10.15 - Knowledge ecosystems for creativity education - Alberto Giretti (Politecnico delle Marche) and Matteo Zambelli (Universita di Firenze)
11.00 - Q&A
11.15 - 15 short break
11.30 - Artistic Practices and the New Demand of Re-enchantment - Stefano Velotti (Universita La Sapienza, Roma) and MA Aesthetics course students
12.45 - Q&A
moderator: Franco Ripa (Wp4, EU4ART_differences)
13.00 - Lunch Break
14.00 - Artistic research as a part of EU4ART Alliance - Till Ansgar Baumhauer (EU4ART_differences Project leader)
14.15 - The Hands of the Artist. Exploration and knowledge in art - Kristin Marek (Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Dresden)
14.45 - Q&A
15.00 - Toward New Knowledge Model of Artistic Research - Andris Teikmanis (Art Academy of Latvia)
15.30 - Q&A
15.45 -16.00 short break
16.00 - HUFA Doctoral Schools, an Arts third cycle case study - Zoltán Szegedy-Maszák (Hungarian University of Fine Arts)
16.15 - Painting Beyond and Below the Horizon of (Big) Data Cloud - Anna Paternak (Hungarian University of Fine Arts)
16.45 – Q&A
moderator: Till Ansgar Baumhauer (Project leader, EU4ART_differences)
all presentation will be in english.
Registration is mandatory. To join the Webinar, please fill the form on the side.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101016460
2021. november 24.