
EU4ART – Nemzetközi Konferencia: Artistic Research and Third Cycle in the Arts

A Római Képzőművészeti Akadémia „Artistic Research and Third Cycle in the Arts” címmel nemzetközi konferenciát rendez 2022. július 20-án, szerdán 9:30 és 17:30 között az Aula Magna Lea Mattarella és online a TEAMOS platformon. A konferencia angol nyelven zajlik.

Az elmúlt tizennyolc hónapban intenzív és gyümölcsöző együttműködés zajlott az EU4ART_differences projekten belül, amelynek célja a művészeti kutatás új felismerései, valamint a partneregyetemek közötti együttműködés a harmadik ciklusú modelleken.

A Konferencia alkalmat ad arra, hogy nemzetközi kontextusban megvitassák a művészet harmadik ciklusának kérdéseit, egyesítve az intézményeket (Egyetemi Minisztérium), a nemzeti és európai minőségértékelési ügynökségeket (ANVUR és Eq-ARTs), jelentős európai projektek képviselői (Creator Doctus, EU4ART_differences). Különféle gyakorlatokat és tapasztalatokat osztanak meg, transzdiszciplináris megközelítésben (HUFA és LMA Doktori Iskolák, Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia, Zerynthia).

A teljes programról itt tájékozódhat:

A regisztrációs lehetőséget a linkelt oldal alján találja.

 Artistic Research and Third Cycle in the Arts

International Conference | Wednesday, 20 july 2022
Aula Magna Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma Via di Ripetta 222, Rome, Italy and Online (TEAMS)

Morning Session

9.30 Institutional greetings

Cecilia Casorati (Rector, ABA Roma)
Giuseppe Carmine Soriero (President, ABA Roma)
Miguel Gotor (Head of Culture, Comune di Roma)
Antonio Felice Uricchio (President, Anvur)

09.45 Session 1 - A European overview
Chair - Costanza Barbieri

Till Baumhauer (Project leader, EU4ART_differences): Artistic Research within EU4ART_differences

John Butler (CEO, Eq-Arts): Quality assessment in artistic research and third cycle for the Arts

Paula Albuquerque (Senior Researcher, Gerrit Rietveld Academy): Somatics and Artificial Intelligence – Epistemic Production at the Rietveld Academy’s Creator Doctus.

11.30 Session 2 - ABAROMA and a possible third cycle in the Arts
Chair - Franco Ripa di Meana

Costanza Barbieri (EU4ART_differences; Full Professor, Abaroma): Birth and Oblivion of the Third Cycle on Artistic Research in Italy: the National Ph.D. on the Visual Arts (PAN)

Daniel Maté (Junior Scientists, EU4ART_differences) & Miriana Pistillo (Work Package 2, EU4ART_differences): State of artistic research in the third cycle in higher art education in the European Union - Report on current progress.

Dalma Frascarelli (Full Professor, History of Modern Art, Abaroma): Arte e ricerca: progetti e sperimentazioni nell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma

Evening Session

14.00 Session 3 - Quality assessment and new formats
Chair - Dalma Frascarelli

Giuseppe Carci (Assessment of HEIs in the Arts, Unit Leader, ANVUR) & Cecilia Bibbò (Assessment of HEIs in the Arts, Unit Officer, ANVUR): Quality Assurance & Artistic Doctorates

Franco Ripa di Meana (WP4 Lead, EU4ART_differences - Abaroma): Digital rites and embodied memories: EU4ART-differences Doctoral Summer School.

Cinzia Pietribiasi (Junior Scientist, EU4ART_differences): Hybridizations, complex systems, inextricable inter-relationship of particles and social bodies. Towards the critters community.

Aleksandra Czuba (Junior Scientist, EU4ART_differences): Pandemic Resilience in Art Schools: Critical and Prospective Survey Analysis of Online and Hybrid Education

16.00 Session 4 - Toward a transdisciplinary approach
Chair - Cecilia Casorati

Dora Stiefelmeier (President, RAM radioartemobile): SOLO SUONO: a transdisciplinary center for research in the arts

Carla Conti (Professor, Head of International Relations, Conservatory of Music 'Santa Cecilia, Rome): Artistic Research at the Santa Cecilia Conservatoire

Linda Sile (Head of the joint Professional Doctoral study program "Arts", Art Academy of Latvia.): The first year of the AAL/JVLAM/ LAC joint Professional Doctoral study in Fine Arts

Balazs Kicsiny (Head of the Doctoral School, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest): Artistic Research – Liberation or Academisation?

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101016460

Locandina_Artistic Research and third cycle in the arts_20lug2022.pdf