
Theoretical Aspects of Graphic Design





Timeline, examens and credits

1. year 2. year 3. year 4. year 5. year
1. semester / credit 2. semester / credit 3. semester / credit 4. semester / credit 5. semester / credit 6. semester / credit 7. semester / credit 8. semester / credit 9. semester / credit 10. semester / credit
2K 32K 3

Language of instruction: Hungarian
Course requirements: active class participation, adequate familiarity with the assigned literature, completion of the written assignments according to the agreed-upon terms.
Method of evaluation of coursework: based on written assignments during the semester, and in the form of oral examination during the exam period.
Marking method: based on the level of knowledge and competence exhibited during the oral exam, and the student?s ability to put these to use in accordance with his or her abilities.
Exam requirements: the students should prove their familiarity with the topics of the course based on the material covered in the lectures and the assigned readings.
Teaching methods: during the course of illustrated lectures, the students and the lecturer engage in an interactive dialogue on the given topic
Recommended study methods: active class participation and use of the required and recommended reading.
Role of the course within the specialist training scheme:
Graphic design as an applied art form demands - to an ever-increasing extent ? that responsible and conscientious artists be well informed on many levels, especially in terms of the relationships between communication and the social factors and principles which determine it. In the interest of successful professional practice, the development and shaping of students? attitude of observation is crucial. The students? need for subjective, artistic self-expression may often come into conflict with external expectations, which stem from the essence of graphic design. The misinterpretation of such unavoidable - and undeniably inhibiting ? factors can result in serious difficulties, which may later diminish the students? chances for professionally and financially successful artistic activity. As a result of the their studies, students can better establish their own artistic and social status and recognise the individual and professional responsibility that this role demands. The course, by offering an insight into areas seemingly not related, stimulates the development of an appetite for wide-spectrum information, which is becoming an important professional expectation. As a result, the knowledge and skills at the students? disposal become wider in range, which enables them to successfully pursue artistic work that is to the highest professional standard.
Course description, major areas of study (per semester):
Graphic design as an applied art form has been - and is - going to through a major paradigm shift. Understanding and ? in the light of changes ? reinterpreting the social role of graphic design as profession plays an important part in the formulation of artistic self-image. The course also deals with the historical aspects of the profession. Aside from deepening students? theoretical knowledge of the field, the primary objectives of the course are to stimulate thinking and to develop students? techniques of verbal communication. In the interest of achieving artistic goals and becoming successful problem-solvers, the course thus helps students toward a more conscious use of the skills already at their disposal on the one hand and the attainment of new skills on the other.
Semester 1
- the beginnings of graphic design as we understand it today
- historical and cultural frameworks
- the unique characteristics of the zeitgeist of the age
- technical aspects
- narrative analogies built on the unique characteristics of the field today
The course, furthermore, deals with other aspects of the field to be found in scientific and other areas:
- economical and sociological aspects influencing graphic design
- psychological aspects (Gestalt theory, visual sense, form-colour preferences, harmony-disharmony, conservative and innovative attitude, etc.)
The historical and technical introduction and discussion of the various, well distinguishable areas of graphic design also comprise part of the course.
Semester 2
- symbols, abstraction, emblem
- poster
- illustration
- photo
- digital graphics
- culture-specific direction in graphics (English, French, German) from the turn of the century to WWII
- socialist advertising
- multicultural graphic language (examples from current times)
Introduction and in-class discussion of critiques, articles and studies excerpted from mostly foreign language literature specific to the field.
- JADE (Journal of Art and Design Education)
- Eye
- Graphis
- Novum
- Emigre
- Fuse
Critical evaluation of current events and works relevant for the field.
- exhibitions
- current graphic works, case studies
- competitions
- graphic aspects of films