






Timeline, examens and credits

1. year 2. year 3. year 4. year 5. year
1. semester / credit 2. semester / credit 3. semester / credit 4. semester / credit 5. semester / credit 6. semester / credit 7. semester / credit 8. semester / credit 9. semester / credit 10. semester / credit
2K 22K 22K 22K 2

Course requirements: attending lectures, studying of notes, preparation for exam
Method of Evaluation of course work: exam - semesters 1-4 exam, semesters 5-6 discussion.
Marking method: Mark is based on exam result.
Exam requirements: attending lectures, studying of notes, familiarity with literature and image material.
Teaching methods: Lectures with slide projection, video, computer-digitalised image.
Recommended study methods: attending lectures, reading of notes, familiarity with literature and image material.
Role of the course within the specialist training scheme:
The role of the course is to introduce students to the visual environment from a specific perspective and to equip them with an ability to interpret and orient themselves among architectural phenomena and the perceptions associated with them. Students are expected to gain an understanding of general visual/architectural culture and become familiarised with associated objects, analogies, processing methodologies and methods of analysis.
Based on historical principles, the course discusses architecture in Europe and in the world and explores the different cultural influences and visual patterns associated with it The course describes the processes, which can be presumed to underlie the cultural background to environmental manifestations of an architectural nature (from autonomous works to urban phenomena), and the perceptions about these manifestations. Architectural topics, from the early times till today, are elaborated in close connection with art history and cultural history. As the central topic of study is part of the student?s introduction to visual culture and covers ?European-type? culture in a comprehensive manner, the course can be considered supplementary to studies in art history. Lectures are held for 6 semesters, with a colloquium at the end of semesters 1-4 and practical mark at the end of semesters 5-6.
Course description, major areas of study (per semester):
Semester 1: Prehistoric architecture; Neolithic Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age,
Antique architecture; Mesopotamia, Egypt, Crete, Mycenae
Classical antiquity; Greek architecture, Roman architecture.
Semester 2: Early middle ages; The great migrations, early Christian, Byzantine and Islamic architecture.
Medieval architecture; Romanticism, Gothic
Renaissance architecture
Semester 3: Baroque and rococo architecture,
Classicism, romanticism, eclecticism and the Chicago School
Vernacularism, L'art Nouveau, Secession, Jugendstíl
Semester 4: Architecture of the 20th century; avantgarde, Bauhaus and expressionistic architecture
Modernism, late modern and postmodern architecture.
Semester 5: Contemporary architecture, artefact analysis I. Examination of the latest phenomena.
Late postmodern architecture, deconstruction, high-tech, second modern.
Semester 6: Contemporary architecture, artefact analysis II. Overview of the main tendencies of present times.
High-tech, hyper-tech and cyber-tech architecture.
Second modern and reflexive modern.
?The History of Hungarian Architecture? as a topic is incorporated into the appropriate thematic segments of the lectures in chronological order; following the discussions on the periods and phenomena of European architecture, the corresponding Hungarian aspects are also introduced.
The history of Hungarian architecture is presented in the following chapters:
Hungarian architecture I.
- The architecture of Pannonia, the lands of origin, architecture during the Hungarian settlement until 1038 AD.
Hungarian architecture II.
- The romantic, the gothic until 1526
Hungarian architecture III.
- The architecture of the renaissance and Islam until 1686
Hungarian architecture IV.
- Baroque architecture until 1795
Hungarian architecture V.
- From classicism to secession, until 1915
Hungarian architecture VI.
- Architecture between the two world wars, until 1948
Hungarian architecture VII.
- The period of dictatorships, Rákosi era, Kádár era and the Hungarian postmodern
Course bibliography (literature, notes, collection of examples, case studies, etc.):
Notes volumes 1-2, recommended literature ? library, recommended pictures ? library.