

fall semester _ drifting through cityscapes 

Each semester the Mapping the Local course presents an overview of the major phenomena, trends and issues of contemporary art based on various subjects relating to urban space and its diverse realities; course projects are in the the form of presentations by invited lecturers, field trips, visits to cultural institutions and artist studios. One of the course’s main objectives is to develop personal contacts and cultural interactions  between local and visiting Erasmus students fostering an emerging intercultural dialogue.

During the semester, students work in groups in order to realise collaborative projects followed by a public presentation (the content and form of the final project is discussed and agreed upon during the seminar). The course is led by teachers from the Intermedia and Fine Art Theory and Curatorial Studies departments of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts (MKE).

This past Fall Mapping the Local was presented with a unique opportunity as it included teachers and students from the University of Nova Gorica School of Arts (Slovenia) and University of Arts Belgrade, Faculty of Applied Arts (Serbia); these schools, along with MKE, are all part of CEEPUS and members of the ADRIART.CE network that includes eight schools from throughout Central Europe. In this expanded form variations of Mapping the Local also took place in Belgrade and Nova Gorica; they were embedded in the local teaching modules Book Design and New Media, drew upon characteristics of the local environment and took place in a time-condensed form.

Drifting Through Cityscapes

160 pages, 2018


spring semester