fall semester _ walking as critical art practice
Photo source: http://urbandemos.nyu.edu; speed dating event at HUFA / Intermedia Department
This semester focuses on walk as art and curatorial practices. We will explore its cultural, social and art historical background and get to know the recent examples of the theme (exhibitions, art projects) and read theoretical texts related to walk as critical art practice. During the semester we investigate and research certain parts of the city with the usage of our feet, ears and eyes. Group and individual works will be elaborated by the end of the course.
presentations / introduction to the walking topic: Allan Siegel Marpping presentation 29 09.pdf, KissPal walking as a political act .ppt, walkingascriticalpractice_eszter_lazar.doc
Rebecca Solnit: The Shape of Walk in: Wanderlust 267-276, http://design.uh.edu/beckett/Walking%20articles/Solnit_Shape.pdf
Michel de Certeau: Walking in the City in: The Practice of Everyday Life pp. 91-110, http://faculty.georgetown.edu/irvinem/theory/DeCerteau-Practice-Excerpts.pdf
Frederic Gros: The Urban Flaneur in: The Philosophy of Walking pp. 175-181
further links to research for walk related projects and artworks: http://www.walkingartistsnetwork.org/history, http://www.bopsecrets.org/index.shtml, https://walkart.wordpress.com , http://walk.uk.net/about-walk, http://www.artslant.com/sf/articles/show/34216, http://www.janvaneyck.nl/en/home/the-drive-of-walking, http://www.walkinginplace.org/converge/exchange.htm, http://walkingencyclopaedia.blogspot.hu
further suggested artists for research: Bruce Nauman, Vito Acconci, Elastic City, Janet Cardiff, Stanley Brown, John Nova Lomax, Esther Polak
related events
e-publication / Crossing The Paths - documentation of the projects // launch of the publication at HUFA
The aim of the recent project was for students to formulate different methods of working together and gain experiences in exploring and representing a previously defined area of city: its streets, buildings, squares and the everyday life of its inhabitants. The results of this process would be an online publication that includes the artistic research projects divided into chapters. The outcome could be considered as a visual diary about experiencing the city using this frame and to introduce the reader / viewer into the methodology of the collaborative process which led from a conceptual idea to the different aspects of its realisation.
speed dating event
Stuttgart Summer Academy
Valeria de Stena, Elizabeth Pascoe, Sara Paolucci, Andrea Carcati, Maxim Cap, Sofia Leikam, Sophia Last, Mathilde Daguzan, Holly Osborne, Luís Rocha, Daniel van Reysen, Relle Viola, Philippa Knox, Georgia Bew, Sunny Vaules, Wang Yao, Aleksandra Kochanska, Maria Oliverira, David Simon, Lilia Hristova, Kormos Zsófia, Peták Dénes, Ángyán Gergely, Huszár Ildikó, Erdős Zsófia, Mikola Tamás, Szabó Gabriella, Kis Eszter, Süttő Anikó, Szabó Nóra, Elena Corrales
spring semester
Gloria Iacono, Ananda Colebras, Emil Pilavsky, Pascal Lorenz, Letizia Liguori, Lucie Frycova, Ángyán Gergely, Für Johanna, Huszár Ildikó, Marton Zita Diána, Solymár Fanni Róza, Szabó Nóra, Szilágyi Róza Tekla, Téglásy Lili Berta